I will read through Heidegger's Being and Time, one of the most difficult philosophical books ever produced, and share my sentiments as I follow it through to its (bitter?) end.
Friday, June 17, 2005
I will leave on a trip to continental Europe on 18th of June. I will return some three weeks after, around 10th of July. I will most probably not be able to continue the blog during this period, so the journey will halt for the time being (Yes, pun intended).
Pant pant Did you really think you could leave me behind? Invite me on a quest, and then leave before I had finished only my fifth flagon of ale. Where is your manners, boy? Not to mention that blond bearded lass was taking quite a shine to me. Well, I found you. I may not know this mumbo-jumbo demon language, and I surely can't perform any of the Heglian trickery of the ass(I'm not sure if I trust his kind, but I suppose on a journey like this, it couldn't hurt to have him along...as long as he behaves), but I have a good heart, a strong arm, and my favorite axe. I call her pragmatism (isn't she a beaut?). I have yet to see a foe she will not slay.
What say you? Care to take along one of my stout disposition?
I can't read the writing on the walls all that well, but apart from that, I don't see what you're all complaining about...I think it's quite pleasant down here. All of the corpes remind me of home.
Olen laajalti tuntematon väärinajattelija sekä yksityinen häirikkö, jota askarruttavat monet seikat, kuten parittomat sukat, musiikin koskettavuus, kvantti-indeterminenssi, eläinten oikeudet (mukaan lukien ihmisten), joka seitsemästoista vuosi villiintyvät hyönteiset, se, että ee potenssiin pii kertaa ii ynnä yksi on tasan nada, ihmisten huoleton kyky murjoa maailmaa, rintakehässäni hyppelehtivä sydän, geenit, runous, uskonto, smurffit, kauniit asiat, ihmisen pienuus ja kaiken askarruttavuus. Osaan tarvittaessa muodostaa myös lyhyitä virkkeitä. Usein en halua.
Pant pant
Did you really think you could leave me behind? Invite me on a quest, and then leave before I had finished only my fifth flagon of ale. Where is your manners, boy? Not to mention that blond bearded lass was taking quite a shine to me.
Well, I found you. I may not know this mumbo-jumbo demon language, and I surely can't perform any of the Heglian trickery of the ass(I'm not sure if I trust his kind, but I suppose on a journey like this, it couldn't hurt to have him along...as long as he behaves), but I have a good heart, a strong arm, and my favorite axe. I call her pragmatism (isn't she a beaut?). I have yet to see a foe she will not slay.
What say you? Care to take along one of my stout disposition?
I can't read the writing on the walls all that well, but apart from that, I don't see what you're all complaining about...I think it's quite pleasant down here. All of the corpes remind me of home.
Toni toniiii
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