Monday, June 12, 2006

Back In Business

In a sea of darkness a mangled body drifts in silence. There is nothing but the endless swirling of concepts and the ever present, ever elusive substance. And the broken mind of a Kantian too brave for his own good.

"Where am I?" The question echoes, gaining momentum until the lack of answer becomes a horrifying answer in itself. Desperation overwhelms. What is this place? How did I get here? How long have I been like this? The questions flood, each more urgent than the preceding one, until one question ends it all: "Who am I?"

Threads of memories dangle loosely in my mind, taunting me. I remember a citadel, I remember dark tunnels and torturing chambers and I remember... Heidegger. The word sends spasms through my mind - eerily familiar and strangely soothing, that name. Yes, Heidegger. That one is a handful, I remember that much. The citadel... Citadel of Being and Time, yes! The endless journey through the maze of near incomprehensible gibberish. Friends found and friends lost. The ghost of Wittgenstein and - I smile - the power of Kant.

Ah, but there is work to do. Who knows how long I have floated in this abysmal Limbo (A year and four days - note from the editor). Who knows what horrors they were that struck me down so, but who cares either, right? There is the Secret of Citadel BAT to discover, and discovered it shall be, or my name is not... uhh... what IS my name?

I think, therefore I am. That much is clear. Thanks Carty - for a dualist you ain't so bad. But I could not realise my being if I did not realise my potentiality for non-being. This one goes for Hegel, good job mate! And to realise my potentiality I must be able to overcome mere existence, to reach the non-existence, the potentialities and possibilities. Yes, that's right Heidegger, you old goober, I must be Dasein. And there it is! I am Dasein-Toni, and I am here to kick ass! (Got a bit carried away there, sorry.)

Yes, I am back and I WILL find the answer to the question of being!

Or at least find some better questions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Toni, good to see you again took up the quest.

10:42 AM  
Blogger TK said...

Thanks, Rhodie. It's been a while though and I am not sure if I am back in the rhytm yet. It's difficult to continue after so long a break, for I don't remember what I have said earlier.. Oh well, just glad that there are still people interested out there :)

6:14 PM  

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